UX Audit Checklist

Here’s a well articulated article from UXPin on what is UX Audit and how to do one.
Have a look: UX Audit checklist from UXPin

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There are tonnes of resources on UX Audit on the web. And across our multiple UX audit challenges we’ve seen designers/ Users refer some common frameworks

The most common one is using Usability Heuristics:
10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design available on Nielsen Norman Group’s site

We’ve seen these being applied effectively by @Mohammed.Afnan in his submission for the Meesho Challenge

Note: Using this framework has its pluses and minuses, so do so judiciously

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Oh and all the UX Audit challenge’s we’ve done are also a good place to check out how to do an effective UX Audit:

While you check these out dont forget to check out the preview discussion videos on each challenge:

Plug: Do subscribe to our YT channel when you are there!

Thanks for sharing this!
Your article is really helpful for me…! :innocent:
This is really useful in my upcoming project!